?Web links ( and Email links (mailto.TreeDBNotes is a free powerful and easy-to-use personal database program, PIM and Word Processor with Tree Structure, advanced encryption and password protection. ?Link to Attachments (See DEMO_PRO.treeDB - Mobiles or Fonts) ?Link to Note, Anchors (See DEMO_PRO.treeDB - FAQ) ?Cut, Copy, Paste - Contacts and Passwords ?No limits to note size or number of notes in notebook ?Recognition of MS Word formatted text from the clipboard ?Export Notes to *.html, *.wri, *.csv, *.doc and more ?Import Notes from *.txt, *.wri, *.rtf, *.csv, Excel, Word, *.html and more ?Templates (Insert, Preview and Edit, rtf, rvf, txt). ?Common Phrases (Special codes: Date, Time, Clipboard, Cursor position) ?Syntax highlight (Pascal, C++, Asp, PHP, INI, ASM.) ?Default notes text: Empty, Date, Time, Clipboard, Template ?Minimize to System Tray (small icon near clock) ?Batch tree nodes edition (image, color) - multi select mode ?Fully configurable folders tree view (color, custom image for each note, background) ?Dynamic loading and saving - extremely saves system memory

?Convenient tree-structured form of notes representation ?Database tools: Backup, Autobackup, Restore, Compact, Repair, Statistics ?Screen capture tools (Capture to file, Clipboard, Notes) ?Export: Notes, Contacts, Passwords, Notes Subtree

?Import: KeyNote, TreePad, HTML, TreeDBNotes Notes Subtree files ?eBook publishing (read, create your own stand-alone eBooks, free *.tdp e-Book reader) - Coming soon.
Since TreeDBNotes Pro eBooks may be passworded, the eBook may be made available for download on the Internet and the password to access it sold seperately. This is currently a big business on the Web. You can publish it and sell it on the Internet. If you believe that your eBook has value to others. You could make a collection of useful articles, information, jokes, histories, letters, advice, recipes ? anything may be made into an eBook. An eBook could even literally be a book ? a novel, biography, self-help, etc. An eBook could be a review of internet sites, programming documentation, or training manuals. You could prepare documents in eBook format and make them available on the network for your employees. You could publish one book in several languages or even multiple books in one file.ĮBooks are very convenient for a variety of purposes. TreeDBNotes Pro eBooks allow you to create multiple tables of contents (one on each tab). The majority of them offer one table of contents and the text. There are other programs that will allow you to create eBooks. By simply clicking an icon or double clicking the file, the eBook is ready for reading. Also, eBooks are contained in an executable file (an EXE file). You may write eBooks from your hard drive to a CD or CDR for portability. Like the words contained in them, eBooks never grow old. ?Hyperlinks (link to note, file, web, email.)ĮBooks do not age with time in the way that a printed document does. ?the ability to copy text, an image, formulas - anything contained in the eBook ?the ability to search for words or phrases ?a convenient table of contents (in a tree-like structure) that is linked to the contents ?An eBook is an electronic version of a published book but with additional features: With the help of one key stroke to create lists of links or emails to export to a file. Quick access and quick copy to the clipboard will help optimize your work. With the help the tree - structures and the filter functions, you quickly find the necessary information. You may organize and operate your password accounts quickly and easily with TreeDbNotes Pro. Single key strokes can create lists of addresses or emails to export to a file. With the help of TreeDbNotes Pro tree structures and the filter function, you may find the person you are looking for to write a letter to or edit information. You may organize and operate your contacts easily and quickly. With any note you can perform the main Word pad-like text-formatting functions (font and paragraph styles, tables, images.). Each node in such 'tree' represents an associated note, so you can store many mostly independent notes in one notebook. TreeDBNotes Pro stores and represents your information in a comfortable and clear tree-structured form. Export to txt, html, wri, doc, Palm Doc (PDB, PRC) and more. Import from txt, wri, rtf, TreePad, CSV, Excel, Word, html, Palm Doc (PDB, PRC) and more. Features: Search, Replace, History, Case options, Insert file/ link/ image/ time/ date/ symbols/ table / html table. TreeDBNotes Pro is a powerful and easy-to-use personal database program, PIM, Word Processor, Alarm & Reminders, Contacts and Passwords manager, e-Book maker with Tree Structure, advanced encryption and password protection.